Farming with Fangs

The sun beat down on Ethan’s back, the kind of Ozark sun that seemed to bake the very soul. He wiped sweat from his brow, the taste of honest labor, and maybe a hint of leftover moonshine from Silas’s generous, if somewhat forceful, offerings. He'd been struggling for the better part of the morning to wrestle a particularly stubborn root out of the ground in what he hoped would eventually be a respectable vegetable patch. He'd envisioned neat rows of tomatoes, peppers, and maybe even some zucchini, a stark contrast to the neatly aligned lines of code that had defined his life for so long. Reality, as it often did, was proving significantly more challenging.

He tugged again, grunting with the effort. The root remained stubbornly anchored. “Come on, you overgrown… thing,” he muttered, his breath catching in his throat.

A low rumble echoed from the nearby treeline. Ethan glanced up, half-expecting Silas to emerge with another jar of "inspiration." Instead, he saw her.

It was the largest of the mountain lions, the one he'd started calling Luna, though he still felt faintly ridiculous using names for apex predators. She padded silently into the field, her movements graceful and deliberate. Behind her trailed the smaller lions, presumably her cubs, though they were already the size of large dogs. They were, he’d slowly accepted, *his* mountain lions, at least as much as wild animals could be owned by anyone.

“Luna,” he said, his voice a mixture of caution and…well, a strange kind of affection. “Just admiring my handiwork, are you?”

Luna didn't respond with words, of course. Instead, she tilted her head, her golden eyes fixed on the recalcitrant root. Then, with a surprising burst of speed, she moved to the root system. One swipe of a massive paw cleared away the remaining loose soil around the stubborn root. Then with jaws carefully and deliberately used she gently bit into the root and with a powerful yank the root came lose.

Ethan stood there, dumbfounded, his jaw hanging open. "Did…did you just...?"

Luna dropped the root at his feet, nudging it with her nose as if presenting him with a hard-won prize. The other lions padded forward, sniffing at the uprooted plant with curious interest.

He swallowed hard, trying to process what he’d just witnessed. It wasn't just the strength, although that was impressive enough. It was the *understanding*. Luna seemed to comprehend exactly what he was trying to do, and she had solved the problem with a directness and efficiency that put his own efforts to shame.

"Okay," he said slowly, "that's…that's just weird."

The rest of the day unfolded in a similar vein of utter bewilderment. He cautiously resumed his work, weeding around the seedlings he had managed to plant. He expected the lions to wander off, to resume their wild lives in the woods. Instead, they stayed, observing him with an unnerving intelligence.

He noticed Luna watching him carefully as he struggled to position a support stake for a young tomato plant. After a moment, she nudged the stake with her head, pushing it deeper into the ground and angling it perfectly to support the delicate stem.

He planted another stake. Luna pushed the stake deeper into the ground.

He tried it a third time, Luna did it better.

One of the younger lions began gently herding a flock of chickens that had strayed too far from their coop, guiding them back with soft nudges and low rumbles. They never once tried to attack the fowl.

The other younger mountain lion was observing Ethan's attempt to clear some rocks from the pasture. Ethan was trying to move a particularly large boulder with a lever, but it was proving difficult. He was sweating and straining, the rock refusing to budge. After a moment, the mountain lion walked up to the boulder, positioned itself, and pushed with its shoulders.

After a combined effort from the mountain lion and Ethan, the rock was moved.

As the afternoon wore on, Ethan started to suspect that these were not ordinary mountain lions. They were intelligent, almost… domesticated. They seemed to understand the basics of farming, and they were actively helping him.

He cautiously approached Luna. "Silas… Silas said something about you being… royal guardians?" He felt foolish even voicing the words.

Luna blinked slowly, her gaze unwavering. He got the distinct impression that she understood him, even if she couldn’t articulate a response.

That evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, Ethan sat on the porch of his dilapidated farmhouse, nursing a bottle of (surprisingly palatable) moonshine courtesy of Silas. The mountain lions were sprawled out in the yard, their eyes gleaming in the twilight.

Jebediah, the survivalist prepper with a beard that reached his chest, approached cautiously. "Seein' 'em, are ya, King Ethan?"

Ethan sighed. "Yeah, Jebediah. I'm seeing them. And they're… helping. It's insane."

"Ain't nothin' insane about it," Jebediah said, spitting a stream of tobacco juice into the dust. "They're a part o' Oakhaven's magic. Always have been. Always will be. The land provides, and them critters, they understand the land."

"Magic?" Ethan scoffed, despite feeling a growing sense of wonder. "Come on, Jebediah. They're just…smart mountain lions."

"Smart is an understatement, Your Majesty," Silas chimed in, emerging from the shadows. He was carrying a fresh jar of moonshine, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "They're blessed. Touched by the spirits of this valley. They wouldn't be helpin' just anyone, mind you. They chose *you*."

Ethan shook his head. He wanted to dismiss it all as superstition, as the product of too much moonshine and isolation. But the evidence was right there, sprawled out in his yard, powerful and intelligent creatures actively participating in the work of his farm.

He took a long swig of the moonshine, the potent liquid burning a path down his throat. "So, what? Now I have a Royal Guard of mountain lions? Am I going to start issuing decrees written in paw prints?"

Silas chuckled. "Maybe not decrees, Your Majesty. But respect is due. Show them respect, and they'll protect you, protect Oakhaven."

Jebediah nodded in agreement. "They're a sign, Ethan. A sign that you're on the right path. That you're fulfillin' your destiny."

Ethan ran a hand through his hair, feeling the weight of their words, the weight of the valley, the weight of his accidental kingship pressing down on him. Destiny? He was a programmer, not a prophet. He'd come to Oakhaven to escape the relentless demands of algorithms, not to fulfill some ancient prophecy.

But as he looked at the mountain lions, their eyes glowing in the firelight, he couldn't deny the strange pull he felt towards this place, towards these people, towards these… animals.

He sighed. "Okay," he said, the word barely a whisper. "Okay, let's say, for the sake of argument, that they are… special. What am I supposed to *do* with them? I don’t speak mountain lion."

Silas smiled knowingly. "You'll learn, Your Majesty. You'll learn. Oakhaven has a way of teaching those who are willing to listen."

The next morning, Ethan woke with a renewed sense of purpose, albeit a purpose tinged with a healthy dose of apprehension. He decided to fully embrace the… situation. If he was going to be the King of Oakhaven, and if the mountain lions were going to be his royal guard, then he was going to figure out how to work with them.

He spent the morning observing Luna and her cubs, studying their movements, their interactions, their subtle cues. He noticed that Luna responded to certain hand gestures and vocal tones. He started experimenting, trying to communicate his intentions.

He pointed towards a patch of weeds that needed pulling. Luna watched him intently, then glanced at the weeds. After a moment, she gently plucked one out with her teeth, presenting it to him.

He smiled, a genuine smile that reached his eyes. "Good girl, Luna. That's exactly what I wanted."

He spent the rest of the day working alongside the mountain lions, slowly learning their language, their rhythms. He discovered that they understood far more than he had initially given them credit for. They were intelligent, perceptive, and surprisingly eager to please.

By the end of the day, Ethan was exhausted but exhilarated. He had spent the day truly living, working with the land and with these extraordinary creatures. He had faced the absurdity of his situation head-on, and he had found something… fulfilling in it.

As he sat on the porch that evening, watching the sun set over the Oakhaven valley, he felt a sense of peace he hadn't felt in years. He was still a programmer, still a city boy at heart. But he was also something more now. He was the accidental King of Oakhaven, and he had a Royal Guard of mountain lions.

And maybe, just maybe, he was starting to believe in the magic of this place. He was starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, he was exactly where he was supposed to be. And tomorrow he would have to figure out what to do when Buck Buchanan comes a'calling. The man had been sending him looks all week and the man always gets what he wants.

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